Visualising the Carbon Footprint of UK Neighborhoods

4 February 2024

Visualising the Carbon Footprint of UK Neighborhoods

In an innovative approach to understanding local contributions to global greenhouse gas emissions, a recent study provides a detailed analysis of per capita consumption-based CO₂ emissions across the UK. The map I made uses this data to glimpse into how individual consumption patterns contribute to the broader issue of climate change. The full map is here.

The study integrates data from three key sources: the Output Area Classification, the Living Costs and Food Survey, and a commercial household expenditure dataset by TransUnion. By averaging these datasets, we can enhance the reliability of the output.

The resulting visualisation could be used as a tool for awareness and change. It highlights the disparities in carbon footprints across different regions, underscoring the need for targeted policies to reduce emissions. The map serves as a reminder that tackling climate change requires understanding and addressing the local nuances of global problems.

For those interested in diving deeper into the methodology and results of this study, the complete research is accessible through the UK Data Service: Per Capita Consumption-Based Greenhouse Gas Emissions for UK Lower and Middle Layer Super Output Areas, 2016