Deprivation and the 2024 GE

6 July 2024

Deprivation and the 2024 GE

Hi all,

We had elections in the UK. Labour won by a whopping landslide, the Tories lost. No surprise, according to the polls. The slightly bigger surprise was Labour's underperformance, relative to the polls.

Pollsters will probably spend a while looking around for the cause, though the main one seems to be so far the overperformance of the Independents & Workers Party - the "Other" bloc in politics. Largely, this swing was concentrated in deprived, Muslim areas of the country.

I have updated my Deprivation Tables, so you can have a look at the key trends and swings in different deprivation deciles in the country.

The main swing from Labour seems to have gone to the independents, and the Conservative vote was split by Reform. Otherwise, there are smaller rises with the Greens which are also notable.

I hope you find it as interesting as I do!


Source Code

Note: Deprivation, a measure of lack of material / social benefits, is measured here from 1-10, 1 being the most deprived decile of constituencies, 10 being the least deprived decile.